Do you know why pro athletes have coaches? They have them as mentors to help them draw out their very best. Coaches help and guide athletes to move beyond their current standings by giving them definite plans for success. One crucial thing a coach offers is positive reinforcement with a mental edge. We could all do with coach quite frankly, however, not all of us have access to one. Or do we?
I believe we can train our own inner athlete 24/7. You’re already doing it but may be unaware. You’re doing it through your self talk, your thinking, you are doing it through how you respond to every day life. Thinking has amazing power, and thoughts can truly become things. Most of society is unaware of the power from thinking positively, but if you ask any pro athlete they absolutely know it has power. Look at someone like Muhammad Ali who said he was the greatest before he actually was. Usain Bolt was interviewed before the Rio Olympics and spoke the words, “my intent is to win and I know I will.”
Any true champion has unwavering faith, ability and self belief when the going gets tough. This comes from practice and repetition and you can do it too. You’re not just born with it, you condition this mindset. You do it by bridging positive thought by thought, workout by workout, success by success. This is the road that builds self belief and self confidence.
Now I’m not saying you are going to be a world class athlete, but what I am saying is you can start some positive momentum with self empowering thoughts and good habits. These can lead you to where you are wanting to go. But they have to feel good. Berating yourself when you are down never works, it will keep you stuck indefinitely. Learn to dust yourself off and carry on.
Now a coach can uplift you after a loss or defeat and applaud you when you are doing well to keep morale high. That’s great, but how do you do that by yourself? You do it by speaking to yourself lovingly and reassuringly. Treat yourself as you would a champion. Applaud yourself when you are doing well and pick yourself up when you are feeling down. Sounds simple – it is. But don’t wait, do it in the moment you feel yourself slipping. It will help ease you up. This is how you keep your energy high.
Phrases like, “it’s ok, it’s alright, you’re gonna be fine, everything will be alright, you’ll get there.” Think of things you can say to yourself. Soothing the pain helps you get back on track. Turn the negative thoughts into fuel for the positive. I’m not saying it will get you in the zone straight away but it will help build some positive momentum to come back quicker. All champions take a hit but it’s how you get back up.
Positive emotion attracts more positive emotion. Success breads more success.
This can make all the difference. In short, you’ll empower your inner athlete through this process and be your own hero/heroin.
Live well, Live inspired.