Kristen is a creative in the fitness and entertainment industry who recognized that in her line of work, health and well-being is a way of life and not just a quick fix to look good. Feeling good on the inside is paramount too.
The beginning of K’s channel: Kristen was cast to present her workouts for a Sky TV Fitness channel. However, after 4 months of preparation the company went into administration and the program.
The silver lining: The videographer Chris from the production, partnered with Kristen to get her started in creating her fitness channel on YouTube – and K’s Perfect Fitness TV was born.
Kristen started filming at home workouts in 2011 and 700+ videos later she now has over 35 million views and over 210k subs.
K’s mission: is to create fun, enjoyable workouts with little or no equipment that get people amazing results.
I believe in the importance of workouts for maintaining a healthy balance for the body and mind. The best way to train your body is through a variety of workouts and movements that you enjoy coupled with stretch and recovery. The key to exercise is to challenge yourself each week, mix it up and enjoy the process. There’s something to be said about enjoying what you’re doing.
My vision is to share my workouts with the world and bring the feeling of vitality, positivity, confidence and energy to the people. I want to make fitness fun and results attainable.
So, let’s celebrate our bodies by feeling good and keeping a personal commitment to be the best versions of ourselves. Let’s look after our bodies the best we can, because the world needs more people who are lit up ‘like you’ who can bring out their inner god and goddesses.
Our bodies are incredible instruments and the better they are nourished, hydrated, exercised and rested, the better they operate and the better we feel. This combination can work wonders for our energy levels, creating a daily dose of joy and enthusiasm in our lives. When we take care of body and mind we are automatically inspired to make better choices when situations arise. The opposite happens when we don’t care for ourselves properly. I want to educate the world, so that there are more people making empowered decisions, all because they made their self-care and health a priority.
Kristen’s workouts stem from her dance background which are created to help you tone up, burn fat and improve flexibility.
Every workout has a purpose. Every exercise has a ripple effect on a different part of the body. Some results are quicker than others, but the body does gradually morph to the direction and positive attention you give it.
K’s workouts coupled with a balanced diet and lifestyle will get you looking and feeling your best inside and out.

So, I have always been into dancing. I took several dance classes growing up and got very involved in musical theatre in grade school and high school, performing in shows throughout the regional playhouses in my hometown.
When I was 17, I flew to London to audition for a spot in the Musical Theater department at The Arts Educational School of London where Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber is President. I was so thrilled to get in I moved to London when I was 18. It was a big jump, but I was ready for the challenge.
It was in my first year of college I started going to the gym. We had personal trainers at Arts Ed who worked with us to stay lean and flexible whilst gaining lean muscle to improve strength.
I really absorbed everything I learned from those teachers about fitness and when I graduated college I went on to get my qualifications in Personal Training to compliment my performing work.
My passion for fitness and well-being and performing has enabled me to create one of YouTube’s Top Workout channels. In 2015, YouTube awarded me my Silver Play Button. In 2016, I was part of The Women of YouTube Campaign of Top Female Creators. In 2017, my channel was rated in the Top 30 Fitness Channels by Feedspot. And for the past year I have been a proud Ambassador for Sweaty Betty!
And just for the record… you are in safe hands as I am a fully qualified Personal Trainer, Stott Pilates, TRX, Xtend Barre and Les Mills Instructor.